Protecting Your Vision and Eye Health

From: "Health Quest Podcast" <Steve@PROTECTED>
Date: July 27th 2021


I have just uploaded my latest interview.

Exploring the nutrients that protect and support eye health

We have learned a lot about protecting our eyes over the past couple of decades. The conventional wisdom was that there is nothing we can do to change the course of eye issues. Medical professionals used to tell us macular degeneration could not be stopped, much less reversed. We didn’t know that UV (ultraviolet light) was harmful to the eyes and more recently we have discovered the concerns over blue light from computer and phone screens

Surprise, we now know that nutrition is critical to eye health. Those of us who believe and promote good nutrition for health now have clinical studies that reveal the important nutrients that support eye health.

In this interview Jolie Root discusses eye health and the specific nutrients that are beneficial. It all starts with a healthy diet and good nutrition. Your body can only function with the nutrients you provide through your diet. It also requires that you reduce or avoid those things which are detrimental. Jolie specifically identifies sugar as one of the most damaging foods. Smoking and not wearing eye protection are two additional risk factors. Quality sunglasses and blue screen filters are two important tools you should employ.

Jolie spends a lot of time discussing macular degeneration and the AREDS2 studies which showed which nutrients and potencies offered the best protection.

To read more and listen to the interview CLICK HERE.
You can also listen on iTunes and any podcast app.

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